
My name is Ben Holland and I am an Auditor working in Stockport, Cheshire. I am passionate about all thinks AI, all things audit (as much as a person can be passionate about audit…) and super passionate about where the two combine!

This blog was started to explore news, insights and ideas around AI and add my thoughts on this new technological frontier. I am by no means an expert on the inner workings of AI but my aim is to break through the jargon and explore how the technology can revolutionise the auditing profession.

When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone he famously declared “I truly believe that one day there will be a telephone in every town in America”. In hindsight this may seem a comically unambitious dream, but in reality, it is a reminder of how the potential advances in technology, and the practical earth-shattering applications are often not obvious, even to the creators of the technology!

It will be down to inquisitive and innovate people collaborating and sharing ideas that we will see how revolutionary AI can be.